Living Colors: Digital Artistry Blog for E-Commerce & Photography

How to Reuse Model Shoots With Ghost Mannequin for eCommerce Stores


In eCommerce stores, product photos are one of the main reasons for increases or decreases in sales over time. Product photos are not only used to conduct sales over the online platform or the offline stores but it is also used for brand promotion. But what if you fail to do any photoshoot for a couple of months? Yes, I am talking about a situation that we are in currently due to the pandemic.

The entire world is almost in a lockdown situation and social distancing is the number one priority. So in this situation, it is impossible to do any product photoshoot or model shoot. In these circumstances, how can you produce new brand promotion materials or new product photos? If you wait for the situation to calm down then it will be very late and your competitors will surpass you easily.

Let me introduce you to a new way of producing new model photos with new products in a situation like this and that is the reuse model shoot. Today I will be talking about this new way of product photographs. Let’s get started…

One Model With Various Garments Without Photo Shooting

What is model photo reusing? It is a way of using your previous model photos for the new products. You can virtualize your model by capturing them without wearing the actual product then you also can reuse the photos. In this situation, it is quite impossible to conduct a new model shoot for your brand-new products but you can use previously captured model photos and integrate them with your new products. It is mainly useful for apparel and garments products because the poses are almost similar for similar kinds of clothing products.

Integrating the previous model photos with newer products is not an easy task. It requires professional image editing expertise and the latest photo editing software. Using this reusing model photo technique you can produce product photos with different products but with one model. You don’t need any photoshoot or any model either.

As this technique requires professional expertise you can outsource your project to Colors.

We have already known about the model photo reusing technique where you integrate new apparel and clothing products into the previously captured model photos but this can be done only by ghost mannequin effect service. Now let’s dive a little bit deeper and know about it.

Changing Garments on Models Using Ghost Mannequin Effect

Stage 1: This is the key stage of this technique which is post-processing but first, you need to find a suitable model photo from the archive or you can capture your model without the product. While selecting the model photo remember to watch the poses because if you select a beautiful photo but the product you want to fit on it isn’t going with the pose then the integration will look awful. So select a suitable model photo.

Stage 2: The second thing is to capture your product photo by wearing it on a mannequin.  I am sure you don’t need to break the law of maintaining social distancing to capture a mannequin shot, right? After selecting the model photo and capturing the product with a mannequin now you are ready to do the integration.

Stage 3: You can do the integration by yourself if you have the expertise but if you don’t then I will suggest you consider our image editing service and outsource them to us as hiring an in-house designer would be way more costly and in this situation, you won’t get the chance of collaborating with any designer.

The integration can be done only by the ghost mannequin effect as I already told you. Let’s know how we do it successfully? When we get both files, our experts do some analysis and prepare a roadmap on how they are going to integrate the model into the mannequin.

Experts prepare both the model photo and the mannequin using Adobe Photoshop CC for the integration. For mannequin photos, editors use the image cutout technique to remove the mannequin from the apparel which creates a hollow effect on it. We called it the ghost mannequin effect. After removing the mannequin it’s time to work on the model photo. To integrate the model into the ghost mannequin photo, editors cut the visible part of the model like the arms, face, and legs, and replaced it with the mannequin.

After the integration, we can say the hard part is done. Now as we are integrating two photos we will face photography lighting issues between them that cause an imbalance in colors. We fix this issue with the color correction service.

Advantages of Reusing Model Shoot

We have talked about what is a reuse model shoot and how it is done but the real question is why we should do this in the first place. What are the advantages of reusing model shoots? We can break the advantages of reusing model shoots into two parts one is pre-production another is post-production.


In this pandemic situation, it is very tough to cast models for a photo shoot, not only tough but sometimes impossible. As we are practicing social distancing all over the world, going into the casting process will void the practice directly and you may risk your health as well as your family members also.  So reusing model shoots is a proper solution to our product photography. It not only helps you in this COVID-19 situation but also reduces the hassle of the pre-production of a model photoshoot. From casting to preparing the shoot is one of a hectic job to do and while doing this it will be very difficult to maintain social distancing.


The advantage of the reuse model shoot in post-production is noticeable.  We can use multiple photo editing technologies in one model photo in this process and create the product photos that you want. Integrating the models into the mannequin photo experts use Photoshop clipping path technique to cut the model part one by one as it is very helpful to put the model into the mannequin part by part.

After cutting the different parts of the model our experts go with an advanced image retouching process to maximize the look. When they integrate models into mannequins they need to correct the highlight and shadows for both images to look like one.

This Advanced Technology can be your business savior!

Reusing model photos to produce brand-new product photos for marketing or e-commerce stores is an advanced technology that is yet to be explored by most of the company. I have already mentioned the situation and how this technique fits in this situation but this is not the only reason why you should pursue this.

Less Effort

Using previous model shoots is an effortless job to do compared with doing a model photoshoot every time for a new product. Conducting a model photoshoot is a hectic job as you can face various issues like scheduling issues, on-time arrival issues, etc. so whenever you prepare for a new model shoot you have to also prepare for these issues as well. So reusing model shots requires way less effort than doing actual model shots every time.

Cost Saver

This process requires not only less effort but also a cost-saving process. Generally, models are very expensive to get even if you acquire a model then you have to bear other expenses as well. So every time you do a model shoot for the new product, you have to spend a lot of money on the model but with the model photo reusing process you can capture your model one time and use those images every time you need for every new product.


You may think that if you spend less then you won’t get the best quality out of it but it’s not true at all. The quality output of this process mainly depends on the post-processing. Because of that, you should choose the best professional image editing expert to do the process. You can build an in-house post-processing team but it will be very costly and if you see the current situation it would be quite impossible to build one either. So what can you do now?

Well, you can outsource your files to us and we can give you the high-class quality product images out of it. Our expert has experience in this model photo reusing process but we won’t charge high also.

Living Colors is fully capable of providing this service.

Very few image editing companies have experience in doing this process and pulling it off successfully. On the other hand, Colors has brought all the required resources from the expert hand to the latest image editing software all under one roof specifically to do the reusing model photo process successfully. In this pandemic, it is the best technique to market your products.

Every clipping path company claims their service to be the best of all so what different we are offering then? Well, we can go on and on by telling our company features and specialties but until you try by yourself you won’t have faith in us. We have a free trial option to solve this issue. All you have to get to our free trial page upload a couple of your images write down the clear requirements that you want and submit it to us.

We will get back to you in the quickest possible time. We have 24/7 customer support for our clients.

What Is Model Photo Reusing?

Model photo reusing is a process that allows online retailers and stores to present their products by producing new product photos with models in an adverse situation like this.

Can this technique be the best alternative for online retailers and eCommerce stores during the pandemic?

Yes, in this COVID-19 situation when social distancing is the number one priority to be safe, model photo reusing is the best chance to present your product with the same glamour as the real model photo was.

Is it possible to save time & money by using this technique?

This technique is not only to provide the glamour touch to the model photos, but it can save you time and money also. How? Well, in reusing model photos, we use previous model photos or capture models with few basic poses without wearing the actual product. Later in the post-processing, we virtualized the model, and using the image cutout technique we detached the parts of the models like face, hands, legs, etc. Then we captured product photos wearing it on a mannequin and integrated the virtualized model into the mannequin photo. So it saves your pre-production time and money and gives you more options to go for

Does Colors have previous experience & full-fledged resources for reusing processes for their clients?

Yes, Colors not only has previous experience but also has developed a separate team and setup of professional image editing experts with the latest image editing software for this process. We have the finest QC team who assure that your product gets no issues and gets jaw-dropping editing. With full-fledged resources, we guarantee you premium quality image editing at lightning speed at a budget-friendly cost.

Final Verdict

The process we are talking about is the best possible solution to keep running the marketing for new products and also produce newer product photos for eCommerce stores in this situation. During this COVID-19 situation where you cannot prepare and conduct a traditional photo shoot, reusing the model photos can be the solution that we need. As this technique opens the opportunity to produce product images as soon as the product comes, we help you to take the opportunity and make it a reality with the finest image editing.